Thursday, June 11, 2009


I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of school and that Hailey will be a 2nd grader.  She is growing up so fast and I know before I know it she is going to be graduating!  I wish that i could make time stand still (except for the fact that would mean i would be 8 months pregnant for a long time).
Hailey is  joy!!!  She is so tenderhearted, smart, helpful, talented, obedient, and thoughtful, just to name a few of her traits.  She is going to be a big help with her new sister and she already is with her brothers.
This year she played soccer, started piano, had choir,  took jazz, learned to read proficiently, excelled in school, and just grew up way too much.
Hailey at her choir concert, she loves to sing and perform!Hailey at her first piano recital, she does not seem to have any fear of performing, which is a good thing!  She has her dance recital on Saturday so I will have to post photos of that laterFirst day of school-Sept. Last day of school-June 2009

1 comment:

merathon said...

i felt the same way about kendall finishing kindergarten a couple days ago-- how is she already this old?

by the way, what is portland like in august??